Our Programs
Trainings and Events
Our Educational Training & Services offer comprehensive programs designed to help individuals achieve their learning goals. We provide personalized instruction tailored to meet each person's unique needs, with expert guidance and support from our experienced educators. Through our training, you can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to make significant strides in your academic or professional journey.
Building Resilience through Storytelling
Ur Story tellers is a non-profit organization committed to assisting individuals and families in need. We have recently initiated several projects to further our mission. Discover more about our initiatives and find out how you can get involved in making a difference. Learn more about us.
Promoting Healing and Recovery
We are dedicated to supporting individuals by providing training, education, and enhancing employment opportunities. Our peer services are designed to empower people to achieve their full potential and succeed in their personal and professional lives. Gain access to exclusive videos, and trainings to enhance your healing journey. Become a member today.
Stories Told...
Contact Us
UrStorytellers Foundation Inc.
Philadelphia, PA 19150